"A good read that allows a glimpse into the corrupt and shockingly outrageous dealings of the CIA, mob, and the establishment. The information included is eye-opening to the brutal nature of the men behind the plot and the far-reaching ramifications of what they were able to pull off. Apart from a few grammatical errors related to the usage of relative who/whom, the book is read in one breath and leaves one in dire need of more answers. Furthermore, it leaves the reader anticipating a sequence that will further address the holes in the conventional explanation with excellent precision of a trained eye of a former crime investigator and a law enforcement officer."
Natalie R.Reader
"Cory Hughes knocks it out of the park. A Warning From History does what few other books have been able to accomplish in the last 60 years, offering a comprehensive telling of this story in one concise package.
The book is packed with substance on every page, yet manages to stay accessible for a general audience. You don’t need to know much to start tearing through this thing and you’re guaranteed to know a hell of a lot more by the time you’re done.
The book could've been called "Reality Check".
If you want to cut through the propaganda, read this book."
"This book is literally THE BEE’S KNEES!
Cory hughes just clowned the entire JFK research community who haven’t solved anything after all these years. He caught the guy everyone’s been looking for!!! A Warning From History is a MUST READ. IT’S MANDATORY.
Cory grabbed the baton from Michael Collins Piper, and he’s running full speed ahead!"
Jackie N.Reader
"I pre-ordered this book and found every chapter to be a thorough examination of the circumstances, the players, and the shooters involved.
Michael Collins Piper explained WHY Kennedy was killed.
Cory Hughes has gone further and explained the WHO and the HOW.
The shooter that fired the shot in Zapruder frame 313 has a star on the Hollywood walk of fame.
Let that sink in.
I cannot recommend this book enough to anyone who is thinking that 60 years later we still don't know.
Cory knows.
He shares it here."
Jim F.Reader
"So there is looking at this from a Conspiracy theorist view or an investigator's view. Cory looks at this from an investigator's view, which means he is unbiased. His conclusions, though outside the norm, very well fit the gaps and help explain history over the last 100 years. Highly Recommend this book."
"For anyone that is interested in JFK and the truth this book is a must!! It completely stands on its own merit and all the information is completely new in that I’ve never heard or read it before!! The amount of research this fella has done is astounding!! I can’t wait for a follow up if there is one !! Well worth the money"
"Entertaining and enlightening, indispensable for anyone serious about truly understanding the JFK assassination. Cory pulls together information from a vast pool of evidence and research and brings the full-scope of what happened in Dealey Plaza into clear focus for the first time. Can't recommend this book highly enough. Cory assembles the cast of characters and meticulously documents their connections to one another and their activities leading up to, during, and after the assassination. A top-notch piece of research and analysis. I look eagerly forward to his next book!"
Shannon O.Reader
"This is the first assessment I’ve come across of the JFK assassination that isn’t littered with disinformation and deceit. There’s a lot to unpack, but if you’re like me this book will reignite your passion and search for truth. It will provide truly incredible insight and info about that day in Dallas and all the skullduggery leading up to it. Cory Hughes is one of the few people who focuses on facts and not just feelings and Talmudic wizardry. I cannot stress enough; If you want the truth, this is the book you need."
Shab BazgoyReader
"This book is incredibly in depth and if you are familiar with Cory's personality, this is an absolute page turner. He concisely narrows down the Oswald sightings and the players involved. Highly recommend this to Kennedy enthusiasts and people who just enjoy a good read. Can't wait for the next one!"
Dylan T.Reader
"Cory has such a good flow of thought with a good mixture of personally. His style and approach are refreshing. You walk away with more of an understanding of the relationships of the men involved. Subscribe to Cory Hughes across all platforms!"
Johnathan O.Reader